There are defining moments in everyone’s life. One of mine was the car accident that I alluded to in my last post. Seven months pregnant with Danielle, my youngest daughter, I was in the front passenger seat during a head on collision. As my head hit the dash board, I broke most of the bones in my face and developed a tangerine sized blood clot on my brain.
I had considered including a photo from the hospital with a shaved head and unrecognizable face but, to be totally honest, my daughter asked that I leave it out. Not to mention, I would have had to put up a warning like they do on TV: this piece contains graphic images.
I gave birth to my daughter a month later. Soon after began the long process of multiple surgeries followed by multiple recoveries. There were moments of depression and defeat but with three daughters, being a 90 pound weakling wasn’t an option. Then I discovered weight lifting, something that nice Jewish girls growing up in Syracuse didn’t do.
Despite the fact that I used to be very shy, after a lot of coaxing, weight lifting led to bodybuilding and my first competition!
ELBEE She used to be shy and I took first place at Westminster.
Yes, I was shy and almost had to be pushed on stage at that competition. What really got me through was the feeling that it was symbolic of my recovery. And I have to say that winning the first trophy of my non-athletic life was major!
ELBEE Apparently it was so major that she couldn’t stop competing for years.
Since the hospital before and after was off the table, I decided to share a before and after that is one of my favorites from my former life as a bodybuilding carpool mom. During that time I wrote a book called, The Desperate Woman’s Guide to Fitness (The Secret to Aging Like Fine Wine Instead of Going Flat Like Stale Beer). While putting the book together, I worked with Paul Chepikian, an amazingly talented Renaissance man who did the cover. As you can see, he is also one of the best sports I have ever met!
CHARLEY I try not to be judgmental but that is a little disturbing, I may have to go meditate.
ELBEE Sorry Charley, but I think it’s hilarious!
GUS And people wonder why I’m confused. I’m going to take my chew bone and hide in the closet.