Therapy Dogs, Always on Call

I was never the most graceful kid on the block. As a matter of fact some people have referred to me as a klutz.

ELBEE Let’s see. Among other things, she tore her hamstring sort of running, broke her foot walking, and gave herself a black eye in “remedial” gymnastics. And lets not forget the dislocated shoulder in yoga.

STANLEY Is that possible? I’m canceling puppy yoga.

A few days ago when I was walking Elbee and Gus, I bumped into a large concrete thing sticking out of the sidewalk and tore a huge piece of skin off my leg. I think it’s because I was paying more attention to the dogs than to where I was going.

ELBEE AND GUS We are totally innocent.

I knew that a simple bandaid wasn’t going to cut it, so I called the husband who, fortunately, happened to be working in a wound care clinic that day. Not surprised at all, knowing my history, he told me to come on down. I was halfway there when he texted me to bring Gus. A few of the patients wanted to meet him. With blood dripping down my leg, I went home to get him.

ELBEE She’s being overly dramatic.

As I limped into the waiting room, everyone practically broke into applause at the sight of Gus. An older couple in particular was delighted. They had wanted to see him for quite some time and had even been planning to come down to one of his demos at the Science Center.

We finally made it past his fans and into a treatment room. I was lying on a table when Terry, one of the nurses, came in to take care of me. Gus, who had been sitting quietly on the floor, suddenly stood up and put his legs on the edge of the table. He refused to move until Terry picked him and put him next to me.

As Terry, and then the husband, cleaned and dressed the wound, Gus stayed cuddled by my side. It was as if he knew it was his job to help me deal with the pain, okay it was only a little discomfort.

When we were leaving, there was a very handsome young man sitting in the waiting room. His face lit up as he asked me to bring the dog over to him. I could tell that he had some issues, but he was completely at ease petting Gus. After a few moments, he looked up at me and said, “Thank you. That just made my day.” When I hear those words, it always makes my day.

P.S. Stanley is obviously not an official working dog but this week, like Gus, he was my personal therapy dog. Aside from the whole leg thing, I had either the plague or some sort of cold that refused to go away. Stanley made it his business to comfort me.

ELBEE Some of you may be saying, “Aww.” I’m going with drama queen!


Published by

Ellen Morrow

In her former life, Ellen Morrow was a carpool mom and award winning bodybuilder. Today she is a nationally certified therapy dog handler who volunteers at UCLA Medical Center and Providence Hospital with her GoldenDoodles. She's also the mother of three grown daughters who all think she's a little crazy or in the words of a friend, "a little unconventional." She is also an avid hiker who has survived a rattlesnake bite!

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