An Unexpected Gift of Kindness

ELBEE Didn’t she rip off the title of this post from Honda? Can they sue her?

CHARLEY I don’t think so.



I had an encounter recently that definitely could have gone the wrong way. Instead, thanks to someone having an honest outlook and owning her behavior, it took a direct turn into the positive.

ELBEE Let me point out that it was a stranger with the good attitude.

There’s a picturesque residential street in the San Fernando Valley that’s become a popular walking area.  It’s surrounded by the Santa Monica mountains with trailheads leading up from the side. There are beautiful gated homes and amazing views. It’s also a gradual uphill for about a mile so it’s a good work out.







The Doods and I were just beginning our walk in a particularly busy area near the bottom. Suddenly a white car came speeding down the hill and blew through the stop sign right next to us. Startled, I waved for them to slow down.

ELBEE That was not a wave!

To my surprise, the car came to a sudden halt. When the driver leaned over and rolled down the passenger window, I was expecting the worst. Instead, the female driver said, “I’m so sorry.” She confessed that she had been in a hurry and not paying attention to how she was driving. She felt particularly bad because I had two dogs with me. She even said “And there are three of you.” She thanked me for calling it to her attention. Then, she looked me right in the eye and added, “I appreciate you.” I immediately responded, “I appreciate you too.”

And I truly did. Not the stop sign part but the way she responded to the whole situation. In the times we’re living in, civility is often forgotten. We could have been part of a road rage incident. It could have been in the paper and they would have given my age.

ELBEE There’s her main concern.

Instead, a stranger made a mistake, graciously apologized and taught me a lesson about human kindness. In this new year, that was a special gift.

Published by

Ellen Morrow

In her former life, Ellen Morrow was a carpool mom and award winning bodybuilder. Today she is a nationally certified therapy dog handler who volunteers at UCLA Medical Center and Providence Hospital with her GoldenDoodles. She's also the mother of three grown daughters who all think she's a little crazy or in the words of a friend, "a little unconventional." She is also an avid hiker who has survived a rattlesnake bite!

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