ELBEE OMG she stole that title off an article in the newspaper.
Elbee’s right for once.
ELBEE For once? Please.
The recent front page article, “Adventure Awaits but Hazards Exist,” warned about the dangers of hiking as the weather heats up. My first thought was, “I hope none of my daughters sees this.” They’re not thrilled when I hike alone or with the dogs even under ideal conditions.
The writer touched on some things like bears and sickened birds and dead rabbits that I’ve never encountered as far as I know. Others struck closer to home.
Rattlesnakes, for instance, were featured as a major hot weather hazard. After being dormant in the winter, they’re out hunting and enjoying the sun. In my defense, it’s been years since that sneaky rattlesnake bit me on the ankle. Not to mention that a neighbor had a rattlesnake in her kitchen.
In an interesting aside, I found out that there’s a rattlesnake aversion class. Unfortunately, after familiarizing the dogs with an enclosed snake, they give them an electric shock so they’ll have a negative association. I was shocked when I heard that!
ELBEE Me too!
Then there are the ticks. I treat the dogs every month to keep them away but I found one on my side recently. I admit I was grossed out even though I pulled it off before it had done any damage.
ELBEE I have an idea. Frontline for humans!
The poison oak is very lush and pretty right now. I know some areas where it’s flourishing and try to be helpful by pointing it out to fellow hikers so they can avoid it.
ELBEE Strange that she had a terrible rash a few weeks ago that she claimed was an “allergy.”
Even though I’ve been taking Henry hiking with me since he was four months old, I don’t take a chance in the heat. I’m more cautious with the dogs than with myself.
Friday morning was a gift. It was cool and overcast, a break from the heat. I snapped on Henry’s leash and headed for the hills. I had to leave Gus and Stanley at home because their long hair attracts every foxtail and burr.
GUS & STANLEY The price of being fabulous.
Henry and I had a great hike. All of the regulars were so happy to be up there. We greeted each other like old friends. Some were meeting Henry for the first time.
As so often happens, as we were walking, I had a strange thought. It’s as if the mountains are temporarily yellow-tagged. You enter at your own risk and have to watch out for potential hazards. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a small price to pay for being in my happy place.
ELBEE Where does she come up with this stuff?