Here Comes Grandma

Although I made a New Year’s resolution to stop writing my blog and work on a book, resolutions are made to be broken. Book writing is very solitary so I missed sharing with friends. I also missed bragging about the dogs.

ELBEE Some would say oversharing and it’s not only the dogs she brags about.

Okay, Elbee may be right. I’m kind of bragging about myself. I’m also trying to inspire some of my fellow seniors and maybe a few juniors too with this very belated birthday post.

Lately, when I talk to my fellow SENIORS, we all agree that this aging thing sucks. By the way, if 65 sounds young to you, you’re a SENIOR. Also if someone tries to make you feel better by saying, “consider the alternative,” you’re also in this group.

Several years ago I began the tradition of climbing the “butt burner” to celebrate my birthday. The name is self-explanatory. It’s a very steep, challenging local trail. It was not the brightest idea since my big day is in July, one of the hottest months of the year.

ELBEE She should be in a senior cooling center instead of traipsing around the mountains.

After a few “butt burners” in the summer heat, I came to my senses. I began a new tradition, a solo birthday hike from the valley to the sea. It’s around 9 miles, and ends up on the cooler, breezier side of the mountains.

This year I used excellent judgment. Instead of going on my actual birthday, I waited until the 110 degree heat wave broke. Unfortunately, it’s back.

On another positive note,  just when I was convinced that the unrelenting heat had fried some of my creative brain cells, being out in nature got them spinning again. As you can tell, I could even hear Elbee.

When I started out, there was an immediate sense of comfort, of freedom and of peace, things that are sometimes hard to find in today’s world. The mountains truly are my happy place.

As I walked, I took in the breathtaking views, set my own pace, had time to reflect. My brother Stanley passed in the summer over 28 years ago and I knew that he was watching over me and laughing.

This photo was taken at the Hub Junction, a well known meeting place along the beach route.

ELBEE I don’t know which is more disturbing, that she’s doing the walk alone again or still having strangers take her picture.

After around four hours, I arrived at Temescal Canyon Gateway Park. It had taken a little longer than I remembered and the weather was a bit warmer than I expected, but it was still perfect. I had such a quiet sense of accomplishment.

What surprised me was that I wasn’t as tired as I thought I would be. I couldn’t have gone line dancing but I felt pretty good.

ELBEE She doesn’t know how to line dance.

My husband Doug and my special “driver” were waiting for me at the “finish line.” Grandma had made it! And you can make it too!





ELBEE Sorry to break the mood but I have a bone to pick with this sign. No dogs? Seriously? And that takes precedence over poison oak?