Having made the mistakes of going to the market on New Year’s Eve day (not a lot of cheerful shoppers), and watching the news, I thought we could all use some positivity. Some of the best holiday presents have been courtesy of the Doods. There were random, funny moments and others that touched my heart. They weren’t gift wrapped, but they were special.
ELBEE You try gift wrapping with paws.
My nine year old “art director” grandson Ryder, who was responsible for the Thanksgiving photo on the left, insisted on one for Christmas the next morning. Again it was chaotic but joyful. Not sure why he decided to include me.
ELBEE Me neither
On a special note, the stocking on the fireplace has a photo of Charley, my very first therapy dog. I used to wear it on my belt when we went into UCLA for Christmas. Almost impossible to believe that the journey began in 2006.
I was walking on busy Ventura Boulevard with Stanley and Henry when a passing car slowed down and the driver rolled down the window. He called out, “Those are the best looking dogs in Tarzana and Encino.” The next day a passenger in a car pointed at the dogs and began applauding. Both encounters made me grin. I haven’t gotten applause since my bodybuilding days!
ELBEE And that’s ancient history.
One of the most wonderful gifts was a visit that Henry did with a six year old boy and his mom at Tarzana Hospital. Sitting up in his bed, the boys eyes widened as we stepped into the room. His first question was “Will he bite?” I told him that Henry was very gentle and even had to take a test so that he could come to see him. With the hint of a smile he, he asked “Are you sure?”
Then he had me come closer. When I put on some of Henry’s Christmas accessories and had him wave and play peek-a-boo, the patient started laughing and petting him. To my surprise, he wanted great big Henry on his bed. As Henry cuddled next to him, I assured him it was okay to give him a hug and that’s just what he did.
The best part of all may have been the reaction of the boy’s mom. She was taking photos and sharing the visit with family on her phone. Then, with tears in her eyes, she quietly told me how grateful she was that we were there. Her son had been in pain and so unhappy before we came in. She couldn’t believe what had transpired.
Instead of making New Year’s resolutions, which I would probably break anyways, I want to express my gratitude to the Doods for all of the miracles they have shown me and for all of the love and positivity they have brought into my life and so many others.