People Say the Darnedest Things!

Walking alone I get an occasional hello, usually if I smile at someone first. When I walk with the Doods, people will say almost anything. The presence of the dogs seems to break down all sorts of barriers and filters. A man passing us on the sidewalk looked a little concerned about the dogs. I said “Don’t worry they’re friendly.” To which he relied, “I wasn’t worried about the dogs. I was worried about you.”

ELBEE That was classic. It’s so entertaining to watch everything from up here.

A middle-aged homeless woman asked if the Doods were friendly. Yes, I’m judging. She was disheveled, wearing a tattered dress that was hanging off her shoulders, one shoe and one slipper.

ELBEE Okay, I’ll give her that one.

After I reassured her, she sat down with them and started sharing a lot about her life. When she was younger she got in some sort of trouble and was given community service at a dog rescue. I was expecting her to tell me that it had been such a positive experience. Unfortunately, one of the dogs she was brushing bit her.

ELBEE That was a terrible story.

One morning I was strolling down a quiet residential street with Gus and Stanley and we were all, for whatever reason, extremely copacetic.

STANLEY Is that bad?

GUS I’m not sure.

ELBEE Oy vey!


A woman walking a medium sized Doodle on the other side of the street wanted to bring her dog over to visit. Enjoying the peace and quiet, knowing that Stanley would get overly excited and want to run around, I politely asked her not to.

She ignored me and came running over with her dog. Sure enough, Stanley  wanted to play and started doing the puppy bounce. That’s when the woman told me, in the most condescending voice, “Apparently your dogs are hyper. Mine’s not.”

GUS Hey, I’m innocent.


I admit, she had ruined my mood. Fortunately a few minutes later we met a woman who said that Gus and Stanley should win the “dog beauty award.” Then as she was petting the two of them and Stanley began leaning against her, she remarked, “he’s so soulful.” My day was back on track.

Recently the dogs and I ran into a woman who’s a neighborhood regular. We’d always waved and said “hi”  but never really chatted. Suddenly she stopped me and said, “I’ve wanted to ask you something for the longest time. Were you and your dog in I Love You Man?

When I modestly answered, “Yes, we had a small cameo,” she exclaimed  “Are you kidding? That was an iconic moment!”

ELBEE I’m not sure if I’m having a bigger issue with “modestly” or “iconic.”

As a side note, Elbee is back in my posts because he brings a certain rhythm and joy to my writing. And let’s face it, he is a talking dog.

Published by

Ellen Morrow

In her former life, Ellen Morrow was a carpool mom and award winning bodybuilder. Today she is a nationally certified therapy dog handler who volunteers at UCLA Medical Center and Providence Hospital with her GoldenDoodles. She's also the mother of three grown daughters who all think she's a little crazy or in the words of a friend, "a little unconventional." She is also an avid hiker who has survived a rattlesnake bite!

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