Welcome Home

Last week the Santa Monica Mountains reopened after being closed for two months due to COVID-19. Returning to the trails was almost as exciting as giving birth or competing in my first bodybuilding show.

ELBEE Can you say hyperbole?

As if the universe knew that we needed a break, the weather was perfect. The stifling heat of the day before had given way to cooler temperatures and a slight breeze.

I met my friends Dennis and Shelli on a scenic part of dirt Mulholland. On one side there are spectacular views of the San Fernando Valley. On the other, you can see the ocean. I have never appreciated the views more.

Afraid we’d encounter the same chaos that had led to the closures, we were pleasantly surprised. It was like a big mountain party. For the most part, people, including us, were practicing social distancing and wearing masks.

The next morning, desperately needing to spend more time in nature, I headed up a narrow trail. Solitary hiking is my personal form of meditation.

ELBEE Explain that one to the daughters.

It’s also when I see my mountain buddies. I ran into one of the regulars who was holding a big bouquet of wildflowers. Aware that picking the flowers is a big no, he explained almost apologetically that they were a mothers’ day gift for his wife. He had picked them because he was afraid to go the market. I understood his hesitation and cut him some slack.

Speaking of flowers, some of the blooms had faded but others were on full display. The sticky monkey, yarrow and mustard wove vibrant carpets of yellow and orange. The elegant yucca dotted the hillsides.







Yesterday I took Gus and Stanley hiking. Walking the trails with them on a warm, clear morning was a joy. People smiled and waved at the sight of them. Many commented on how much maintenance they must be. It almost made up for all the burrs and foxtails that I am still picking off of them.

In the past, I’ve taken mountain photos of the dogs, but these have the most special meaning. They are photos of gratitude. I felt so fortunate to be in my favorite place with my four-legged companions at my side.







I have loved the mountains since I was a little girl. Now, if possible, I appreciate them even more. When your special place is closed to you, being able to return is a priceless gift. For a brief time, I was able put the pandemic out of my mind and focus on the positive.



Published by

Ellen Morrow

In her former life, Ellen Morrow was a carpool mom and award winning bodybuilder. Today she is a nationally certified therapy dog handler who volunteers at UCLA Medical Center and Providence Hospital with her GoldenDoodles. She's also the mother of three grown daughters who all think she's a little crazy or in the words of a friend, "a little unconventional." She is also an avid hiker who has survived a rattlesnake bite!

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