When Was the Last Time You Wore High Heels?

It’s hard to believe that we’ve been dealing with COVID for almost two years. When Punxsutawney Phil stuck his head out on Ground Hog Day, I don’t think he saw his shadow. He just saw the continuing craziness and decided to go back to sleep.

We’re all still searching for ways to cope. Early on so many people took up new hobbies. They learned to paint, to sing or even to sew. Unfortunately, I wasn’t one of them. Others became gourmet chefs.

ELBEE She’s lucky if she can find the kitchen.

Some people began cleaning out their houses and reorganizing cupboards. That wasn’t me either. Then, recently, I had an epiphany.

ELBEE That’s a very strong word.

I was sitting in the closet, looking at all of the clothes I hadn’t worn in forever and decided it was time to let some of them go.

ELBEE That’s an epiphany?

It was the shoes that really struck me. There were all sorts of high heels that had been on the shelves for so long they had dust on them. I didn’t know if I could still walk in them. Tennis shoes, casual flats and cozy boots are all I’ve been wearing.

ELBEE They go with her sweats.

Out of curiosity, I texted a friend to ask her the last time she’d worn heels. She couldn’t remember.

As I started to sort through everything, the dogs came in to keep me company. They hang around me and my husband so much I’m not sure if it’s because they miss their hospital visits or think we need therapy. There’s hope that they may be allowed back in later this month.

GUS & STANLEY Let us pray.


While I was hard at work, I happened to glance at the mirror on the wall. For some reason, the lighting in that closet gives very good muscle definition when you flex.

ELBEE Is anyone wondering how she knows that?

It had been a long time since I’d done it but how could a former bodybuilder resist flexing? Was I still the buffest granny on the block?

HENRY What is she doing?

ELBEE Don’t ask.

After about an hour, I decided I needed a break and went outside. Of course the dogs followed. As I was relaxing, Stanley and Henry suddenly stood up next to me and put their paws on the wall. They both looked so tall!

Stanley is fully grown but at eight months, Henry has a ways to go. I realized that with me shrinking and him growing, we could end up the same height.

ELBEE Maybe she should hold on to those high heels!



Published by

Ellen Morrow

In her former life, Ellen Morrow was a carpool mom and award winning bodybuilder. Today she is a nationally certified therapy dog handler who volunteers at UCLA Medical Center and Providence Hospital with her GoldenDoodles. She's also the mother of three grown daughters who all think she's a little crazy or in the words of a friend, "a little unconventional." She is also an avid hiker who has survived a rattlesnake bite!

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