Sometimes It’s the Little Moments

With the world still such a mess, I thought that sharing a few positive, personal moments might be a good way to go.

I’m Innocent!

Let me begin with one that could have gone terribly wrong. I was starting up a trail with Henry when a woman on an adjacent trail yelled “Hey, clean up after your dog!” Since I’m a fanatic about cleaning up after the dogs, I was a little confused and, to be honest, offended.

ELBEE Trust me. She’s like the poop police. I was almost afraid to go.

I assured her that Henry hadn’t gone and told her that one of my pet peeves was people who didn’t clean up after their dogs. Then I showed her the four bags I had with me just in case. To my surprise, she began apologizing profusely.

ELBEE  Trail rage incident averted.

When I walk on busy streets with Gus and Stanley, we take up most of the sidewalk. If someone is approaching, I will often step aside and wait for them to pass. The other morning, an older man saw us coming and moved over to give us room. When I said “thank you,” he smiled, nodded and did the prayer sign. It was just so simple and sweet.

Later, we were in a crosswalk on busy Ventura Boulevard when a man and his preteen son passed us going the other way. Suddenly, the boy waved enthusiastially and called out. “Thank you so much. I taught my dog the tricks the way you told me.”

I realized we’d met them a few weeks earlier. After interacting with Gus and Stanley, they told me that they had a pretty rambunctious puppy at home. The boy, who was working hard to train it, asked me for a few tips on getting his dog to do some tricks. How nice to hear that it had worked out.

Yesterday, I was on the phone talking to someone about getting repairs done on the house. We had spoken several times before so she knew about the dogs and their schedules but we’d never really discussed them.

As we were about to say goodbye, she said “I have to tell you something.” She admitted that she’d never thought much about what therapy dogs could do until recently. She was in the hospital and they’d brought one to her room. In her words, “I was delighted and forgot my pain.”

Stanley, Gus & Henry

That brings me to one more very positive note. At UCLA and Tarzana Hospital, we are all in the process of getting ready to bring the dogs back in to visit again. In these trying times, who doesn’t need a little dog comfort and love.







Published by

Ellen Morrow

In her former life, Ellen Morrow was a carpool mom and award winning bodybuilder. Today she is a nationally certified therapy dog handler who volunteers at UCLA Medical Center and Providence Hospital with her GoldenDoodles. She's also the mother of three grown daughters who all think she's a little crazy or in the words of a friend, "a little unconventional." She is also an avid hiker who has survived a rattlesnake bite!

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