It’s a Wacky World

All you have to do is look at the weather and the news to see how wacky the world has become. Some of my friends and I actually take “news breaks” to save our sanity.

I always try to write from a positive place but lately there’s been a lot of crazy going on. For instance, last Sunday, as he often does, my husband Doug stopped at a small local deli to pick up sandwiches. He was inside with several others, when a man outside became very menacing, ranting, raving and threatening people. Three men held the door closed as he tried to break in. The police had to be called to take him away.

Walking in the neighborhood with the Doods, I’ve noticed that lots of houses now have “beware of dog” signs, alarms and cameras. I totally get it, but there’s one that kind of bugs me. As you go by, you hear an unfriendly woman’s voice saying, “Hi, you are currently being recorded.” I never know whether to wave, dance or make an unfriendly gesture.

ELBEE She’s also afraid to go for a walk without hair and makeup in case she’s on camera.

This week, I was passing by a house with the annoying recording, when I noticed a sign on the gate that disturbed me even more. It read, “Forget the dog. Beware of the humans.” I might have thought they were trying to be funny if there wasn’t a drawing of the barrel of a gun pointed right at me.

On a lighter note, I saw a wacky blast from the past. A friend and I were sitting by the window of a coffee shop on busy Ventura Boulevard in Encino when we saw a bright pink Corvette drive by. It was the exact kind of car that Angelyne, a buxom blonde who was famous for being famous, drove in the eighties. She had billboards all over Los Angeles. An Angelyne sighting was an event.

ELBEE I think someone was jealous.

Walking to my car a short time later, I saw the Corvette pulled over to the curb. Curious, I peeked in and couldn’t believe that it was actually Angelyne! I googled her and found out that she is my fellow senior peep. Is it too late for me?


And while I’m on the subject of pink, I want to end on a positive, possibly wacky note. A house around the corner has a huge statue of a flamingo at the base of the driveway. What are the chances that a therapist we work with at UCLA would recently have given the dogs a flamingo headband for their accessory collection?

I couldn’t wait to take a photo. The only problem was that I don’t know these particular neighbors and I might have been trespassing.








ELBEE I hope they have cameras.









Published by

Ellen Morrow

In her former life, Ellen Morrow was a carpool mom and award winning bodybuilder. Today she is a nationally certified therapy dog handler who volunteers at UCLA Medical Center and Providence Hospital with her GoldenDoodles. She's also the mother of three grown daughters who all think she's a little crazy or in the words of a friend, "a little unconventional." She is also an avid hiker who has survived a rattlesnake bite!

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